Lift & Restore Foundation

Have you ever felt lost? Here at the Lift and Restore Foundation., we see you. We understand the challenges you may have that can dim and weaken your hope and your purpose. But within all of us lies strength  and a strong spirit to keep going.

That is the core of the Lift aned Restore Foundation. We're a Christian-based non profit built on the unshakeable pillars of faith and compassion for others. We believe that with God all things are possible. We want you to empower you to not just survive but thrive as well.

Imagine a community where basic needs are met, where families have the tools and resource to flourish, and where children discover their unique gifts. The Lift & Restore Foundation is a partner organization of Elevating Faith Ministries dedicated to empowering families facing homelessness. We provide educational opportunities for under privileged youth, offer job training and clothes for those seeking workforce re-entry creating a path towards self-sufficiency.

Here you can find the support you need to reach your full potential, rediscover your dignity and reignite the hope within you. 

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