Either Way You Win

Have you ever felt like you are just praying and praying and God does not hear you. Have you frustrated yourself because you feel as if the outcome is out of your control? Surrendering control needs to be a constant prayer focus. Let me tell you, the silence of being still sometimes can be deafening, and God's timing can feel like it is moving at a snails pace. We all pray about things with an end in mind, a clear path of how we think things should go, or we have a specific answer in mind. But, when it doesn't happen like we want it to then doubt creeps in. The stories we tell ourselves about how God feels about us takes flight!. You know how it goes , God doesn't hear me, God doesn't love me. Maybe its because I have done this or that.

But just know that I understand that this life is not always easy. But don't you know that we can bear all things, and endure all things through a strength and grace that is not our own.(this right here whew) God promises in HIS word to be with us, to help us, to give us the grace that is sufficient for all circumstances we might face in our lives. 2 Corinthians 12:9 ( I can feel you smiling as you read this part).

The thing is even if we pray and it happens exactly how we want it to we win. But if we pray and it happens but in a way that was God will and in God's way we still win. The truth is we all have a choice, we can hold on to our desired outcome or be content to wait on or surrender to the perfect will of God.

The bible is filled with stories of those who wrestled with this very thing.(Psalm 13:1, Habakkuk 1:2) They were looking for deliverance in a certain way but, God did deliver them but according to his timing and his purpose and it was far greater then what they were looking for. There is victory regardless such as Victory in our desired outcome when things happen according to our plans, we look at it as a confirmation of our prayers. Or there is a Victory in surrendering to the Will and way of God, his timing and his purpose even if it is different from ours.  He may not come when you want him but, you all know that HE is always on time. You do know that HE wants more for us than we want for ourselves!

Waiting on the Lord we experience a  peace and yes a stronger faith.! And we allow God to write a better story. One that shows that you get what you want but you also become what HE wants you to be. OH, This whole blog will preach! I pray that you will surrender and wait I say on the Lord! Let him direct your path!

First Lady Rose

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