In The Right Hands

Life can be very messy sometimes. We all find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities. Those responsibilities we thought that we wanted as kids. You know those times when we got mad at our parents and wished we were older and could move out. And now we can all agree that we have found ourselves faced with unexpected challenges, and yearn for some sense of direction. In these moments thinking about the scripture of Isaiah 64:8 offers us some direction and even comfort. Funny how the scripture is set up to do that for us if we take the time to read it. Isaiah 64:8 says "Yet you, Lord, are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; and we all are the work of your hand."

Here we are compared to the clay on a potters wheel. Have you seen it how it just looks like a clump of nothing but yet has so much potential? Picture us as the formless lump of clay with potential and God is the master potter, who hold us in HIS hands, ready to mold and shape us into something beautiful.

As we pick apart this scripture , think of it starting out with a declaration "You, Lord, are our Father" that part right there should remind you that you are not alone. We have a loving God who wants so much for us. More than we want for ourselves and he cares for us deeply. Our dependence is on HIM as we are described as the is clay something that is nothing until it gets into the hands of the potter. That right there is God's guidance and purpose in our lives.

There is a turning point here in the scripture where the Clay is transformed and the potter molds the clay into a specific form.  Likewise God shapes us through all of our trials and tribulations, challenges and joys. Remember the trial is just a rework in the clay.(oh that will preach)  He works on us daily to strengthen our faith, and equip us for HIS purpose.

Don't you know that the molding process isn't always comfortable. There have been times where we feel like God needs to take the clay and start over. But just as you think your vision for the clay will work as is,  its not done until the Potter sees what he feels is done. Trust the process, you are in the right hands, God is in control. Trust that the trials are shaping you for a purpose. Commit to letting him be the one with a perfect design in mind. Surrender to his will  and find comfort in the the unique purpose for you.

In HIS hands

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